Saturday, February 6, 2010

poetic interlude 2

The Decent Thing

Perhaps he baked pastries, squeezing rosettes
onto wedding cakes, sugaring beignets
for the tourist crowd, perhaps his grandfather
had cut sugar cane in the islands
so he licked his lips the last thing, remembering
how he chewed the fiber
to its sweetness...

bloginfo: excerpt from 'The Decent Thing' by Lynn Domina published in Green Mountain Review; Vol. XXII, No. 1

Monday, January 11, 2010

meet me for lunch

Captain Jim Hanson's is a gem of a find on the West Dixie Highway in North Miami, Florida!

What you see is what you get...and it's all as fresh as can be. You sit a booth set with plastic utensils and a roll of paper towels.

Complimentary [amuse bouche?] plastic cups of the best Crab Salad with a few strips of green/red pepper and onion mixed with a tiny dab of mayo. Delicious.
We started with an order of ten Stone Crab Claws [$28.24 for 1.13 lbs] and a half-dozen Oysters [$5.99]. Had a pitcher of Amber Bach [sic] for $10.

Main courses on plastic plates of Grilled Hog Snapper with fries [$13.95], Combo Plate of 3 fried choices with Red Rice and Beans [$14.75] and my Whole Florida Yellow Tail with Fried Plantains [$12.95].

Everything was done to perfection.

bloginfo: There is no website and they are at 12950 West Dixie, phone 305.892.2812