Friday, September 11, 2009

meet me for lunch in...havana

Plaza Vieja, Habana Vieja in el Palacio St. Angelo was the place for a special lunch on my last full day in Cuba. We had celebrated here for my birthday the week before so I wanted to end my stay here with a quiet solo lunch.

Started with great Cuban bread and a Cristal beer. Then had the special Red Snapper with Almonds accompanied by Congrí [rice and black beans cooked together] and Tostones [fried plátano]. Skipped dessert and had a Café Cortado, just the way I like it.

The same musicians were there and even remembered me. I guess dancing with maracas on the terrace on your birthday does single you out! This was not the best meal I had in Cuba but it was special for its memories and solitude as I got ready to leave this special island.

bloginfo: I was in Cuba on a Humanitarian Mission.
blognote: Check out the other meals in Cuba on my Mofongoman blog.